As a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, Hill Real Estate Group abides by the Realtor Code of Ethics and the highest levels of professionalism when working with their clients.
The NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® adopted the Code of Ethics in 1913, following the professions of medicine, law, and engineering. REALTORS® are real estate professionals who have chosen to join the National Association and abide by its strict Code of Ethics. The Code is your assurance of dealing with a professional who has your best interests in mind.
The Code of Ethics consists of seventeen Articles and related Standards of Practice. The basic principles of the Code are summarized below, but you can click here to download a PDF version of the complete Realtor Code of Ethics.
Please note that the following is not a substitute for the Code, but simply a general overview of the Code’s key principles.
Duties to Clients and Customers
Article 1: REALTORS® protect and promote their clients’ interests while treating all parties honestly.
Article 2: REALTORS® refrain from exaggeration, mis-representation, or concealment of pertinent facts related to property or transactions.
Article 3: REALTORS® cooperate with other real estate professionals to advance their clients’ best interests.
Article 4: When buying or selling on their own account or for their families or firms, REALTORS® make their true position or interest known.
Article 5: REALTORS® do not provide professional services where they have any present or contemplated interest in property without disclosing that interest to all affected parties.
Article 6: REALTORS® disclose any fee or financial benefit they may receive from recommending related real estate products or services.
Article 7: REALTORS® receive compensation from only one party, except where they make full disclosure and receive informed consent from their client.
Article 8: REALTORS® keep entrusted funds of clients and customers in a separate escrow account.
Article 9: REALTORS® make sure that contract details are spelled out in writing and that parties receive copies.
Duties to the Public
Article 10: REALTORS® give equal professional service to all clients and customers irrespective of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.
Article 11: REALTORS® are knowledgeable and competent in the fields of practice in which they engage or they get assistance from a knowledgeable professional, or disclose any lack of expertise to their client.
Article 12: REALTORS® paint a true picture in their advertising and in other public representations.
Article 13: REALTORS® do not engage in the unauthorized practice of law.
Article 14: REALTORS® willingly participate in ethics investigations and enforcement actions.
Duties to REALTORS®
Article 15: REALTORS® make only truthful, objective comments about other real estate professionals.
Article 16: Respect the exclusive representation or exclusive brokerage relationship agreements that other REALTORS® have with their clients.
Article 17: REALTORS® arbitrate financial disagreements with other REALTORS® and with their clients.